Book Review

Thursday, December 07, 2006

A Short History of Nearly Everything - Bill Bryson

This book gets a 5/5 from me. It is insightful and objective. I read this book in spurts and haven't finished the whole thing yet. Right now I'm on the section about the origins of Chemistry. The stories about chemists who got credit for other peoples' work through manipulation is interesting. I'm unsure if these stories are fictional but put in there to increase the book's appeal or if they are true (how would Bill Bryson have gotten all of this information?!! I guess through reading many many random journals but that is highly unlikely as these chemists did not complete their task and therefore get any outstanding recognition to lead Mr. Bryson in their direction) but I don't really care either way because it has increased my enjoyment and interest in the book. Interpersonal connections always seem to brighten up scientific knowledge. Similar to how constructive gossip can give a relief from the stress that people sometimes feel from trying to solve a problem or conflict clouding a friendship.